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reFIT Testimonials


“Each exercise was tailored to me. After my surgery last year, my balance and stamina were diminished. Now I am enjoying a confidence in physical fitness I haven’t enjoyed in a long time.”



reFIT is a personalized corrective exercise program whose mission is to bridge the gap between therapy and fitness. Using corrective exercise tools, reFIT identifies and corrects physical limitations caused by injury, health conditions, or everyday wear and tear! reFIT utilizes small group training sessions to create a friendly, encouraging environment that helps clients stop their aching and start moving like a kid again!

•9 years personal training experience


•National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer

Who We Are 

Miya Simpson

Head Trainer and Founder

Our small group classes provide a friendly, encouraging environment to optimize fitness results.


Corrective exercise is a certified branch of personal training designed by a physical therapist to bridge the gap between injury and fitness by improving mobility, balance, posture, and breathing.

Corrective Exercise

Bridging the gap

between injury and fitness with corrective exercise.

reFIT specialty

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